Motivated people with or without Type 2 diabetes who start making lifestyle changes can reap tremendous health benefits almost immediately. One study revealed diabetics who ate a low-fat, high-fiber diet and added forty minutes of exercise to their day, were able to significantly...
lower their blood pressure,
improve their cholesterol levels, and
lower their blood insulin levels
in just three weeks.
You can muse over a leaner and healthier body as much as you like to. You can imagine how things would be different were you to have what it is you want most. How things would be better - especially those lower blood sugar levels!
Like most things in life, what it ultimately comes down to is execution.
Are you going to continue talking about how much you want to lose weight? Or even worse - how much weight you will lose? Speaking to others about your health goals can be beneficial, although this is not usually the case. If you find yourself broadcasting your intentions for motivational support, this is a sign your external validation is higher than your internal. This is contrary to the rules of success, but we digress.
A Type 2 diabetic that wants to - and the diabetic who will eventually be successful with their objectives, will be one that executes their plans assiduously. To endlessly mull over which diet is superior, which form of physical activity is ideal, or which type of carbohydrate is best, is counterproductive. It will certainly lead you to learn the basics of nutrition and diet, and to look at a starting routine for the gym if you're inexperienced. But to ceaselessly ponder over what your actions will be is as much unnecessary as it is a waste of your time.
Better to act, and learn as you go. As you start to make progress and encounter challenges, make adjustments where you deem necessary.
You will inevitably gain the essential experience to enhance your judgment as you go. You might be inefficient at times, and perhaps even make some mistakes. But such is human nature.
Therefore, just start towards whatever goal is on your mind. You can calibrate along the way. If you are a diabetic, surely it's at least been in the back of your mind to start some form of lifestyle change. You likely already know the basics...
eat well, and
lose weight.
Elect an approach to tackle each aspect of having Type 2 diabetes, and just go forward, no matter how rudimentary your methods may be.
To be active as opposed to passive in your decision-making is superior 100% of the time.
If you're not a diabetic, you can still take preventive action - this does not exclusively apply to Type 2 diabetes. By improving your health through a new and revised lifestyle, you can significantly decrease your risk for a multitude of complications that often arise with age.
Remember - you can muse to your heart's content about what you want. But if it's something you truly want to obtain, sooner or later you will have to execute your plans.
Although managing your disease can be very challenging, Type 2 diabetes is not a condition you must just live with. You can make simple changes to your daily routine and lower both your weight and your blood sugar levels. Hang in there, the longer you do it, the easier it gets.
Healthy Lifestyle
Thursday, April 30, 2015
Wednesday, April 15, 2015
The Best Skin Care For You
It is very important to do what is necessary to prevent damage to your skin from sunlight, wind, other natural elements, and harsh beauty products. Whether you have dry, oily, aging, sagging, or normal skin, it's important to give each type its necessary unique and specialized skin care.
Live Healthily
If you want to have a healthy appearance, then you have to live that way. It is recommended that you get sufficient rest, partake in regular physical exercise, and eat nutritiously. Even though this is something that we should all do, many people are not consistent, and then wonder why they suffer from acne, pimples, or a lackluster appearance. What you put into your body is what will reflect on the outside. Therefore, proper nutrition is vital to repairing and maintaining cells. Additionally, your body should receive the right amount of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Drinking eight glasses of purified water is also another way for you to maintain a healthy appearance. Water hydrates and flushes out waste from your system for a refreshed look. Although done indirectly, this is another great skin care routine.
You should get at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day, but too much exposure could be dangerous. UV rays from the sun can cause damage, premature aging, wrinkles, and age spots. You must take the necessary precautions to ensure less exposure to the sun. Additionally, every day, use a good sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF.
Be careful when you choose your beauty products. You will always need an exfoliant, toner, facial cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Make sure to use products that are not harsh. Speak with your salesperson about which products are right for you.
Dry and Flaky
If your skin is naturally dry, you may be using the wrong beauty products or soaps that are too harsh to wash your face. Find gentle body washes, using warm water to clean and rejuvenate without stripping your skin's natural moisturizers. When you have finished bathing, apply moisturizing lotion to your body, but be sure to use one with fewer chemicals. Concentrate on the problem areas, especially your hands and face. Use your moisturizer periodically throughout the day to keep hydrated. You should use less exfoliant and toners than others.
Oily and Shiny
When you have to deal with excess oil on your face, it oftentimes develops into acne and pimples. It is important to keep the area thoroughly clean. In addition, make sure that you use oil-free moisturizers. You should use more facial cleansers and less moisturizer.
For proper skin care, you should know your skin type. Once you are armed with this information, it is time to find products that will help you most. Develop a daily regimen specific to your needs and you'll see the benefits soon!
Live Healthily
If you want to have a healthy appearance, then you have to live that way. It is recommended that you get sufficient rest, partake in regular physical exercise, and eat nutritiously. Even though this is something that we should all do, many people are not consistent, and then wonder why they suffer from acne, pimples, or a lackluster appearance. What you put into your body is what will reflect on the outside. Therefore, proper nutrition is vital to repairing and maintaining cells. Additionally, your body should receive the right amount of vitamins, nutrients, and minerals. Drinking eight glasses of purified water is also another way for you to maintain a healthy appearance. Water hydrates and flushes out waste from your system for a refreshed look. Although done indirectly, this is another great skin care routine.
You should get at least 15 minutes of sunlight each day, but too much exposure could be dangerous. UV rays from the sun can cause damage, premature aging, wrinkles, and age spots. You must take the necessary precautions to ensure less exposure to the sun. Additionally, every day, use a good sunscreen or moisturizer with SPF.
Be careful when you choose your beauty products. You will always need an exfoliant, toner, facial cleanser, sunscreen, and moisturizer. Make sure to use products that are not harsh. Speak with your salesperson about which products are right for you.
Dry and Flaky
If your skin is naturally dry, you may be using the wrong beauty products or soaps that are too harsh to wash your face. Find gentle body washes, using warm water to clean and rejuvenate without stripping your skin's natural moisturizers. When you have finished bathing, apply moisturizing lotion to your body, but be sure to use one with fewer chemicals. Concentrate on the problem areas, especially your hands and face. Use your moisturizer periodically throughout the day to keep hydrated. You should use less exfoliant and toners than others.
Oily and Shiny
When you have to deal with excess oil on your face, it oftentimes develops into acne and pimples. It is important to keep the area thoroughly clean. In addition, make sure that you use oil-free moisturizers. You should use more facial cleansers and less moisturizer.
For proper skin care, you should know your skin type. Once you are armed with this information, it is time to find products that will help you most. Develop a daily regimen specific to your needs and you'll see the benefits soon!
Sunday, April 12, 2015
What Are the Benefits of Living a Healthy Lifestyle

This Article is written to reach the public with a simple and clear method to point out and to reap the benefits of a healthy lifestyle while reducing the risks of chronic diseases such as diabetes.
With the increased understanding of our bodies that we have gained from science over the past few decades, the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are becoming more apparent, along with the reasons why we should detoxify the body at least once a year to remove harmful bacteria, and even worms, from our digestive system. For people of all ages, weights, and abilities the benefits of a healthy lifestyle are endless. But for now let's look at eight simple benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
1. Your Health:
Good Health is not something that you buy from a drug store or a department store, but can be achieved by practicing collective patterns of health-related behavior, based on choices made from available options. Following this logic, if you wish to realize the benefits of a healthy lifestyle, you have to repeat some healthy pattern as a part of your daily or weekly activities, some patterns like eating right and exercising. Other benefits includes: Reduced health care costs, reduced illness and injuries, reduced doctors visit, Keeps you employed and improved employee/employer relations.
2. Weight:
Managing your weight is the key to attaining all of the health benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle. A weight reduction of just 10 percent will significantly reduce risk of heart disease and other obesity-related illnesses. Obesity/overweight is the second leading contributing factor to many childhood diseases such as orthopedic disorders, sleep apnea, type II diabetes mellitus, asthma, high blood pressure and cholesterol, skin disorders, emotional and psychosocial problems (Spigel, 2002), and many more. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking and strength training helps slow the onset of and/or prevent osteoporosis and some research shows that participating in such activities can actually build bone density and begin to reverse the disease. Other benefits are: Weight reduction, reduced tension and stress, improved well-being, Enhanced self-image and self-esteem and improved physical function.
3. Exercise:
Although drugs alone can often bring cholesterol down to normal levels, diet and exercise provide benefits that drugs don't. They'll lower blood pressure, reduce weight, and lower the risk of developing diabetes. A sedentary lifestyle is a dangerous risk factor for disease. Exercise and a healthy diet helps the body use insulin more efficiently and can help control, alleviate and prevent many diseases. Exercise, cessation of tobacco consumption, eating a high-fiber, low-fat diet, controlling body weight, and learning to cope with stress, reduce the risk of heart disease.
4. Medical:
We all want a trim and have healthy body for a variety of aesthetic, social and medical reasons. Healthy living is truly the best medicine. In a study conducted by Tufts University at the New England Medical Center, among patients with cardiovascular disease, an exercise program was shown to significantly reduce LDL cholesterol and other risk factors beyond what's provided by drug therapy. Even modest weight loss can help reduce medical and pharmacy costs, help avoid bariatric surgery, and co-morbidities such as asthma, hypertension, and diabetes.
5. Wellness:
Wellness is about being comfortable in your space: your body, your attitude, and your environment. A healthy lifestyle can greatly increase a person's longevity. And even though catching something contagious like a cold or flu is sometimes unavoidable, having the wisdom that feeling healthy is a better way to live should have you asking yourself why you are not taking action to live each day as beneficially as possible. The issue with a lot of people nowadays is that they are so busy working and/or taking care of everyone around them, that they neglect their own health and wellness. Make sure your heart is healthy and your bones are strong and Keep it that way to see the benefits of a healthy lifestyle.
6. Care:
The best way to ensure good health is by taking care of yourself. The Care stakes are high but the potential rewards are great-preventing premature death, unnecessary illness, and disability, controlling health care cost, and maintaining a high quality of life into old age. With a healthy lifestyle, you are who you are and you don't have to be self-conscious about those things that you otherwise would be if you didn't care about your lifestyle
7. Control:
With a healthy lifestyle, you have more control of your life as you work with your body against those aspects of living which may work to hold you back if you would let them. With a healthy lifestyle, you have control over your sleep patterns so that you feel generally well rested throughout the day. With a healthy lifestyle, everything works together to help other aspects of your lifestyle make sense and benefit you. Science has proven that healthy weight loss, healthy eating and fitness routines make dramatic improvements in health, and help control common chronic illnesses like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, stress, and general lack of stamina.
8. Strength:
Another benefit of a healthy lifestyle is a steady flow of stamina and strength; you can perform activities and exercises that will enhance your flexibility. With a healthy lifestyle, you have a balanced and varied diet that provides your body its needed nutrients and energy as well. You have strength to train to help build the muscle that supports the bones and joints; therefore decreasing the risk of falls and fractures. Cardiovascular exercise, also known as aerobic exercise, strengthens the heart muscle, therefore increases the heart's efficiency. As we age, our bones biologically begin to lose mass and strength. Weight-bearing exercise such as walking and strength training helps slow the onset of and/or prevent osteoporosis and some research shows that participating in such activities can actually build bone density and begin to reverse the disease.
The good news is you don't have to train like an Olympic athlete to enjoy the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. The secret and logic are repeating a chosen healthy pattern as a part of your daily or weekly activities. We hope that this will get you to a healthy lifestyle if you are not there already. A healthy lifestyle is a way of life.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Obesity and Overweight Health Risks
Obesity involves excessive weight gain and an abnormal fat accumulation, usually 20 percent or more over an individual's ideal body weight. Humans take in energy from food and drinks, which is used for the body's natural processes and for physical activity. People gain weight if they take in more energy than they use and lose weight if they take in less energy than they use. Excess energy is stored mostly as body fat, laid down at various sites around the body, regardless of whether the excess energy comes from carbohydrates, fats, or proteins, or from alcoholic drinks.
As obesity has become a major health problem in the United States, bariatrics become a separate medical branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment of obesity and related disorders.
The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in recent decades. Among children, the prevalence of obesity increased too. Obesity and its associated problems, have also a large economic impact on health care system, with the costs.
Overall risk must take into account the potential presence of other risk factors. Risks for certain conditions increase as weight increases. Some diseases or risk factors associated with obesity, place patients at a high absolute risk for subsequent mortality. According to the Centers for Disease Control the following are health consequences of obesity:
Coronary heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Liver and gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
Obesity is a chronic disease, that's why patients must understand that successful treatment requires a lifelong effort. The most effective treatment for obesity is behavior and lifestyle modification under the guidance of a physician or weight management specialist. It is difficult for most patients to continue to lose weight or prevent further weight gain.
The following guidelines can help in the management of obesity:
An appropriate goal is the prevention of weight gain.
A combination of diet modification, increased physical activity, and behavior therapy can be effective.
Physical activity also reduces the risk of heart disease, at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity daily.
Most overweight and obese people should adopt long-term nutritional adjustments to reduce caloric intake. Dietary therapy includes moderate caloric reduction for modifying diets to achieve this goal. People must be educated about food composition, labeling, preparation, and portion size.
Most people are lazy and do nothing to lose weight and then suffer health consequences. People buy products, like books that teach them how to lose weight but they do nothing with them.
As obesity has become a major health problem in the United States, bariatrics become a separate medical branch of medicine that deals with the study, treatment of obesity and related disorders.
The prevalence of obesity has increased dramatically in recent decades. Among children, the prevalence of obesity increased too. Obesity and its associated problems, have also a large economic impact on health care system, with the costs.
Overall risk must take into account the potential presence of other risk factors. Risks for certain conditions increase as weight increases. Some diseases or risk factors associated with obesity, place patients at a high absolute risk for subsequent mortality. According to the Centers for Disease Control the following are health consequences of obesity:
Coronary heart disease
Type 2 diabetes
Cancers (endometrial, breast, and colon)
Liver and gallbladder disease
Sleep apnea and respiratory problems
Gynecological problems (abnormal menses, infertility)
Obesity is a chronic disease, that's why patients must understand that successful treatment requires a lifelong effort. The most effective treatment for obesity is behavior and lifestyle modification under the guidance of a physician or weight management specialist. It is difficult for most patients to continue to lose weight or prevent further weight gain.
The following guidelines can help in the management of obesity:
An appropriate goal is the prevention of weight gain.
A combination of diet modification, increased physical activity, and behavior therapy can be effective.
Physical activity also reduces the risk of heart disease, at least 30 minutes or more of moderate-intensity physical activity daily.
Most overweight and obese people should adopt long-term nutritional adjustments to reduce caloric intake. Dietary therapy includes moderate caloric reduction for modifying diets to achieve this goal. People must be educated about food composition, labeling, preparation, and portion size.
Most people are lazy and do nothing to lose weight and then suffer health consequences. People buy products, like books that teach them how to lose weight but they do nothing with them.
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Smart Tips Buying Ayurvedic Products Online
Buy Ayurvedic Products Online
With each passing year, the popularity of Ayurveda is growing by leaps and bounds. Now, Ayurvedic products can be bought online too. The global business of Ayurveda is pegged at a whopping at $100Billion and the markets are growing. What has made Ayurveda so popular? The idea of holistic healing and safe medicines, most of which is herbal and natural substances has appealed to the new found 'Back to Nature' idealism sweeping the globe.
An ancient science
Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old system of medicine from India. Ayurveda concentrates on health and wellness. Ayurveda, literally means the science of life (In Sanskrit, Ayur means Life and Veda means Science). Ayurveda developed and evolved into what it is today from several ancient treatises. Ancient Vedic literature is testimony to the scientific aspect of Ayurveda. The sages has clearly laid out instructions to maintain health as well as fighting illness through therapies, massages, herbal medicines, diet control and exercise.
Modern relevance
Ayurvedic therapies are fashioned for healing and wellness. The procedures include steam bath, medications, oil massage, dry massage, herbal packs etc. which rejuvenates both body and mind. With the mind and body cleansed and toned, Ayurveda makes one feel lighter, younger and generally more energetic. The most attractive feature about Ayurveda is that being natural; it has no side effects at all.
For the same reason, more and more people are turning to organic way of life and herbal medicines. Today, Ayurveda has spread to different corners of the world. People still flock to Ayurvedic centres in the Indian subcontinent for authentic Ayurveda treatments. Some come just to try the new way of wellness and are so impressed that they tell their friends and send them to these centres. Authentic Ayurveda has made inroads overseas too with clinics and Ayurvedic practitioners in major cities. People who can't get it in their neighbourhood can turn to the online stores for Ayurvedic products.
Buying Ayurvedic Products online
Buying ayurvedic products online has to be done with caution. Some ayurvedic medicines have been found to have impermissible levels of hard metals like Arsenic and lead. Look for the GMP stamp on the products from India. This quality standard by the Government of India ensures that a host of quality parameters are met in the manufacturing process like hygiene, safety and standard operating procedures with stringent quality checks at different stages of production. Some packs may not display the stamp and yet may be GMP certified. So, look the manufacturer up before you make a decision.
Quality standards
Generally, ayurvedic products are made through long processes which have been stipulated in the ancient texts. Charaka Samhita an Ayurveda text had given impetus to standardization and quality control. The quality control processes were in place for each and every aspect of procurement, storage and preparation of medicines. The ancient sages gave umpteen importance to the origin of the raw materials used. There were specific seasons to collect the herbs and other organic stuff like honey. The people who collected the herbs from forests also had a key role and importance. The Acharyas (ancient Gurus) knew that all these had to be followed if the medicine were to have the desired result. With time some quacks and irresponsible Vaidya (Doctors) did not comply with these standards and the markets had a lot of poor quality medicines. To check this, the Indian government has laid out the quality standards to be maintained by Ayurvedic production units. It is advisable to buy ayurvedic products only from GMP manufacturers to be on safe side.
How Ayurveda treats you
Ayurveda believes that the human body is afflicted with health problems due to the imbalance of doshas( humours) in the body. The three doshas are Vata (Air), Pitta (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm). A person is assessed by the Vaid (Ayurvedic Doctor) to know his/her Prakriti (constitution). A person's Prakriti is defined by the balance of the three Doshas. One can consult an Ayaurvedic doctor online to know the Prakriti if one can't have a face to face consultation. The medicines try to put the balance back in order. There are four main classifications of management of disease in Ayurveda:
• Shodan, or cleansing
• Shaman or palliatiive
• Rasayana, or rejuvenation
• Satvajaya, or mental hygiene
The metabolism of the body is centre to the Ayurvedic treatment. Most diseases are the effects of poor digestion and absorption of nutrition by the body unless caused by an external virus or bacteria. Purgation, therefore is part of Ayurvedic treatment and so is perfecting digestion. Ayurvedic treatment may involve diet restrictions for a better effect of the medicines. Exercises or Yoga with Ayurveda is also advised in some cases.
Types of Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurvedic medicines come in various forms like tablets, powders, Pastes, Ointments, Oils, creams, Tonics etc. Some Ayurvedic medicines are for wellness while others are for treatment of specific diseases or disorders. Some Ayurvedic products like Triphala or Chavanaprash may be taken daily for maintaining good health. Ayurveda has been proved to be very helpful in the treatment and management of lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) and Obesity. Chronic ailments like Constipation, Pile and Arthritis; Skin problems like Psoriasis and leucoderma have effective solutions in Ayurveda. Preventive and restorative Ayurvedic products are now being used by people across the world. Cosmetic care by Ayurveda has caught the imagination and fancy of the fashion and health conscious. Turmeric one of the most popular herbs is now being cultivated in different parts of the world to meet the rising demand.
Modern Clinical trials and studies
Ayurveda has stood the test of time. New research and studies on Ayurveda by institutions around the world are waking up to the efficacy of Ayurvedic Medicines. Various studies have shown that Ayurveda is really helpful in combating Diabetes and High Cholesterol. Neurological problems also have better results when treated with Ayurvedic medicines.
Advantages of Ayurveda
• Ayurveda is holistic and therefore improves physical, mental and psychological conditions.
• Ayurveda is natural remedy with 75% herbs and organic matter
• Side effects for Ayurvedic medicine are few and far between
• Ayurveda delivers effective cure for many chronic diseases
• Ayurvedic therapies provide relief from stress and rejuvenating the body
• Ayurvedic medicines are largely cheaper
With each passing year, the popularity of Ayurveda is growing by leaps and bounds. Now, Ayurvedic products can be bought online too. The global business of Ayurveda is pegged at a whopping at $100Billion and the markets are growing. What has made Ayurveda so popular? The idea of holistic healing and safe medicines, most of which is herbal and natural substances has appealed to the new found 'Back to Nature' idealism sweeping the globe.
An ancient science
Ayurveda is a 5,000 year old system of medicine from India. Ayurveda concentrates on health and wellness. Ayurveda, literally means the science of life (In Sanskrit, Ayur means Life and Veda means Science). Ayurveda developed and evolved into what it is today from several ancient treatises. Ancient Vedic literature is testimony to the scientific aspect of Ayurveda. The sages has clearly laid out instructions to maintain health as well as fighting illness through therapies, massages, herbal medicines, diet control and exercise.
Modern relevance
Ayurvedic therapies are fashioned for healing and wellness. The procedures include steam bath, medications, oil massage, dry massage, herbal packs etc. which rejuvenates both body and mind. With the mind and body cleansed and toned, Ayurveda makes one feel lighter, younger and generally more energetic. The most attractive feature about Ayurveda is that being natural; it has no side effects at all.
For the same reason, more and more people are turning to organic way of life and herbal medicines. Today, Ayurveda has spread to different corners of the world. People still flock to Ayurvedic centres in the Indian subcontinent for authentic Ayurveda treatments. Some come just to try the new way of wellness and are so impressed that they tell their friends and send them to these centres. Authentic Ayurveda has made inroads overseas too with clinics and Ayurvedic practitioners in major cities. People who can't get it in their neighbourhood can turn to the online stores for Ayurvedic products.
Buying Ayurvedic Products online
Buying ayurvedic products online has to be done with caution. Some ayurvedic medicines have been found to have impermissible levels of hard metals like Arsenic and lead. Look for the GMP stamp on the products from India. This quality standard by the Government of India ensures that a host of quality parameters are met in the manufacturing process like hygiene, safety and standard operating procedures with stringent quality checks at different stages of production. Some packs may not display the stamp and yet may be GMP certified. So, look the manufacturer up before you make a decision.
Quality standards
Generally, ayurvedic products are made through long processes which have been stipulated in the ancient texts. Charaka Samhita an Ayurveda text had given impetus to standardization and quality control. The quality control processes were in place for each and every aspect of procurement, storage and preparation of medicines. The ancient sages gave umpteen importance to the origin of the raw materials used. There were specific seasons to collect the herbs and other organic stuff like honey. The people who collected the herbs from forests also had a key role and importance. The Acharyas (ancient Gurus) knew that all these had to be followed if the medicine were to have the desired result. With time some quacks and irresponsible Vaidya (Doctors) did not comply with these standards and the markets had a lot of poor quality medicines. To check this, the Indian government has laid out the quality standards to be maintained by Ayurvedic production units. It is advisable to buy ayurvedic products only from GMP manufacturers to be on safe side.
How Ayurveda treats you
Ayurveda believes that the human body is afflicted with health problems due to the imbalance of doshas( humours) in the body. The three doshas are Vata (Air), Pitta (Bile) and Kapha (Phlegm). A person is assessed by the Vaid (Ayurvedic Doctor) to know his/her Prakriti (constitution). A person's Prakriti is defined by the balance of the three Doshas. One can consult an Ayaurvedic doctor online to know the Prakriti if one can't have a face to face consultation. The medicines try to put the balance back in order. There are four main classifications of management of disease in Ayurveda:
• Shodan, or cleansing
• Shaman or palliatiive
• Rasayana, or rejuvenation
• Satvajaya, or mental hygiene
The metabolism of the body is centre to the Ayurvedic treatment. Most diseases are the effects of poor digestion and absorption of nutrition by the body unless caused by an external virus or bacteria. Purgation, therefore is part of Ayurvedic treatment and so is perfecting digestion. Ayurvedic treatment may involve diet restrictions for a better effect of the medicines. Exercises or Yoga with Ayurveda is also advised in some cases.
Types of Ayurvedic Medicines
Ayurvedic medicines come in various forms like tablets, powders, Pastes, Ointments, Oils, creams, Tonics etc. Some Ayurvedic medicines are for wellness while others are for treatment of specific diseases or disorders. Some Ayurvedic products like Triphala or Chavanaprash may be taken daily for maintaining good health. Ayurveda has been proved to be very helpful in the treatment and management of lifestyle disorders like Diabetes, High Blood Pressure (Hypertension) and Obesity. Chronic ailments like Constipation, Pile and Arthritis; Skin problems like Psoriasis and leucoderma have effective solutions in Ayurveda. Preventive and restorative Ayurvedic products are now being used by people across the world. Cosmetic care by Ayurveda has caught the imagination and fancy of the fashion and health conscious. Turmeric one of the most popular herbs is now being cultivated in different parts of the world to meet the rising demand.
Modern Clinical trials and studies
Ayurveda has stood the test of time. New research and studies on Ayurveda by institutions around the world are waking up to the efficacy of Ayurvedic Medicines. Various studies have shown that Ayurveda is really helpful in combating Diabetes and High Cholesterol. Neurological problems also have better results when treated with Ayurvedic medicines.
Advantages of Ayurveda
• Ayurveda is holistic and therefore improves physical, mental and psychological conditions.
• Ayurveda is natural remedy with 75% herbs and organic matter
• Side effects for Ayurvedic medicine are few and far between
• Ayurveda delivers effective cure for many chronic diseases
• Ayurvedic therapies provide relief from stress and rejuvenating the body
• Ayurvedic medicines are largely cheaper
Friday, March 27, 2015
Healthy Diet And Fitness Tips For Women
Most women experience a lifetime of significant events; puberty which brings the onset of menstruation, single or multiple pregnancies, nursing of babies, and finally menopause. These events are associated with hormonal and other physical changes. In addition, there are chronic health conditions primarily associated with women like osteoporosis, hypothyroidism, polycystic ovarian syndrome, etc. Whether they are a result of normal life events or illnesses, these physical conditions need to be supported with appropriate diet and exercise changes. Educating and providing health and fitness tips to women helps the entire family.
A healthy diet for women takes into consideration both age and physical condition. Did you know that there is a need for more iron with the onset of menstruation? Eating a well balanced diet is not just for pregnant women; it is important both before pregnancy and after the baby is born. Folate deficiency (a B vitamin that is also known as folic acid) can cause birth defects in the baby. There is also the common concern related to weight gain with pregnancy. It is important to adopt diet tips for weight loss provided by qualified professionals like registered dietitians and doctors. Drastic attempts to lose weight after the delivery of the baby can be a serious health risk. Aging increases the risk for osteoporosis due to hormonal changes with menopause. A diet that is rich in calcium combined with weight training exercises can help strengthen bones. There is also a decrease in the metabolic rate (need fewer calories for daily living) with aging. Also, flexibility and other health concerns can interfere with daily physical activity. The best fitness tips offer recommendations for all ages and fitness levels.
From an early age, women seek physical perfection based on unrealistic standards set by society. History clearly shows that the standards for physical beauty vary across cultures and time. Body weight is not just related to fat content; it is also a representation of muscle, bone and organ weight. Some of us have an hourglass figure, some pear-shaped while others may have fewer curves. Body shape is mainly defined by the skeletal framework, muscle structure and location where we gain weight; all of these attributes are genetically predetermined. Simply focusing on body weight and shape can lead to serious eating disorders in even young school girls. Help redefine physical beauty standards; set a good example by following reliable health and fitness tips.
A healthy diet for women takes into consideration both age and physical condition. Did you know that there is a need for more iron with the onset of menstruation? Eating a well balanced diet is not just for pregnant women; it is important both before pregnancy and after the baby is born. Folate deficiency (a B vitamin that is also known as folic acid) can cause birth defects in the baby. There is also the common concern related to weight gain with pregnancy. It is important to adopt diet tips for weight loss provided by qualified professionals like registered dietitians and doctors. Drastic attempts to lose weight after the delivery of the baby can be a serious health risk. Aging increases the risk for osteoporosis due to hormonal changes with menopause. A diet that is rich in calcium combined with weight training exercises can help strengthen bones. There is also a decrease in the metabolic rate (need fewer calories for daily living) with aging. Also, flexibility and other health concerns can interfere with daily physical activity. The best fitness tips offer recommendations for all ages and fitness levels.
From an early age, women seek physical perfection based on unrealistic standards set by society. History clearly shows that the standards for physical beauty vary across cultures and time. Body weight is not just related to fat content; it is also a representation of muscle, bone and organ weight. Some of us have an hourglass figure, some pear-shaped while others may have fewer curves. Body shape is mainly defined by the skeletal framework, muscle structure and location where we gain weight; all of these attributes are genetically predetermined. Simply focusing on body weight and shape can lead to serious eating disorders in even young school girls. Help redefine physical beauty standards; set a good example by following reliable health and fitness tips.
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
UV Light Health Benefits
As recently as 100 years ago UV light was used for treating tuberculosis, long before the advent of antibiotics. We now know that UV rays offer many additional health benefits. Based on modern scientific studies, such benefits can include the following:
Promoting the production of nitric oxide (NO), which provides protection against damage by UV light; NO also promotes cardiovascular health for the small capillaries in skin, provides an antimicrobial effect, and inhibits certain types of cancer
Regulating melatonin production from the pineal gland for synchronizing daily biorhythms
Treating skin diseases (e.g., psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, scleroderma)
Protecting against melanoma
Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Suppressing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS)
Elevating mood by stimulating the release of endorphins
Regulating body temperature
Enhancing the role of skin as a barrier to microbes and environmental toxins
In spite of these health benefits, UV light remains a concern for the harm that it can do to skin. Skin cancer and photoaging are at the top of the list. The key to benefiting from UV light, while simultaneously reducing or avoiding its harmful effects, depends on a little common sense. Follow these two strategies for enhancing the benefits while at the same time minimizing any potential harm.
1) Limit overexposure to UV rays.
2) Promote protective skin health with the regular use of antioxidant-rich natural skin care products.
Limiting Overexposure
If anything, the single best piece of advice for everyone is to limit overexposure that leads to sunburn. Sunburn is the skin's defensive response to too much UV light. The redness and pain of sunburn are the skin's emergency responses to damage. Sunburn accelerates all of the negative consequences of overexposure to UV light.
The difficulty in determining how much exposure is too much is that, by the time sunburn appears, it is too late. It is wiser to keep several factors in mind before getting to that point. Skin color may be the primary factor. Lighter, untanned skin is the most susceptible to burning. It takes longer to burn darker skin, regardless of whether it is darkened by Mother Nature or by tanning.
Overexposure occurs more quickly when the sun is more directly overhead. In North America peak sunlight occurs around midday in summer at lower latitudes (i.e., further south). Winter UV intensity is more common at higher elevations, especially in areas where snow can reflect UV light. Sunburn that accompanies winter sports is every bit as fast and as damaging as it is in the summer at the beach.
Also keep in mind that high doses of UV rays at indoor tanning salons also can lead to overexposure. Tanning devices too often cause reddening of the skin, which is still an indicator for skin damage and photoaging.
Promoting Protective Skin Health
FDA-approved ingredients for sun blocks have little to do with promoting skin health. Indeed, quite the opposite is true. Filtering out UV light with sun block diminishes its potential health benefits. It is much more sensible to get the right exposure to UV light, while at the same time using the best natural skincare products for enhancing these benefits.
Truly protective herbal skincare products promote health in many ways. One of the most versatile ingredients for enhancing skin health is green tea, due to its powerful antioxidant, EGCG. This antioxidant invigorates skin cells, protects against DNA damage, and inhibits enzymes that destroy collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the main strengthening and flexibility components, respectively, in skin.
Of course, combining green tea with other herbs that promote skin health care is the ideal strategy for keeping skin healthy as you take advantage of the benefits of UV light. A short list of examples of these other herbs includes angelica root, white peony, and ginseng.
Promoting the production of nitric oxide (NO), which provides protection against damage by UV light; NO also promotes cardiovascular health for the small capillaries in skin, provides an antimicrobial effect, and inhibits certain types of cancer
Regulating melatonin production from the pineal gland for synchronizing daily biorhythms
Treating skin diseases (e.g., psoriasis, vitiligo, atopic dermatitis, scleroderma)
Protecting against melanoma
Treating Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
Suppressing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS)
Elevating mood by stimulating the release of endorphins
Regulating body temperature
Enhancing the role of skin as a barrier to microbes and environmental toxins
In spite of these health benefits, UV light remains a concern for the harm that it can do to skin. Skin cancer and photoaging are at the top of the list. The key to benefiting from UV light, while simultaneously reducing or avoiding its harmful effects, depends on a little common sense. Follow these two strategies for enhancing the benefits while at the same time minimizing any potential harm.
1) Limit overexposure to UV rays.
2) Promote protective skin health with the regular use of antioxidant-rich natural skin care products.
Limiting Overexposure
If anything, the single best piece of advice for everyone is to limit overexposure that leads to sunburn. Sunburn is the skin's defensive response to too much UV light. The redness and pain of sunburn are the skin's emergency responses to damage. Sunburn accelerates all of the negative consequences of overexposure to UV light.
The difficulty in determining how much exposure is too much is that, by the time sunburn appears, it is too late. It is wiser to keep several factors in mind before getting to that point. Skin color may be the primary factor. Lighter, untanned skin is the most susceptible to burning. It takes longer to burn darker skin, regardless of whether it is darkened by Mother Nature or by tanning.
Overexposure occurs more quickly when the sun is more directly overhead. In North America peak sunlight occurs around midday in summer at lower latitudes (i.e., further south). Winter UV intensity is more common at higher elevations, especially in areas where snow can reflect UV light. Sunburn that accompanies winter sports is every bit as fast and as damaging as it is in the summer at the beach.
Also keep in mind that high doses of UV rays at indoor tanning salons also can lead to overexposure. Tanning devices too often cause reddening of the skin, which is still an indicator for skin damage and photoaging.
Promoting Protective Skin Health
FDA-approved ingredients for sun blocks have little to do with promoting skin health. Indeed, quite the opposite is true. Filtering out UV light with sun block diminishes its potential health benefits. It is much more sensible to get the right exposure to UV light, while at the same time using the best natural skincare products for enhancing these benefits.
Truly protective herbal skincare products promote health in many ways. One of the most versatile ingredients for enhancing skin health is green tea, due to its powerful antioxidant, EGCG. This antioxidant invigorates skin cells, protects against DNA damage, and inhibits enzymes that destroy collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are the main strengthening and flexibility components, respectively, in skin.
Of course, combining green tea with other herbs that promote skin health care is the ideal strategy for keeping skin healthy as you take advantage of the benefits of UV light. A short list of examples of these other herbs includes angelica root, white peony, and ginseng.
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